InTDS ArchivebyClaudia NgA/B/C Tests: How to Analyze Results From Multi-Group ExperimentsMay 14, 20211May 14, 20211
Analytics at MetaHow Meta scaled regression adjustment to improve power across hundreds of thousands of experiments…Author: John Meakin, Saurabh SangwanDec 12, 20246Dec 12, 20246
InWalmart Global Tech BlogbyMoitreyee DasguptaHow Walmart Leverages CUPED and Reduces Experimentation LifecycleWritten by Moitreyee Dasgupta, Leihua YeDec 7, 20231Dec 7, 20231
InTDS ArchivebyLeihua Ye, PhDMultiple Comparison: A Common Pitfall for A/B TestingData Scientists are cool!Jan 21, 20222Jan 21, 20222
InTDS ArchivebyMatteo CourthoudBayesian AB TestingUsing and choosing priors in randomized experiments.Jan 10, 20232Jan 10, 20232